All our teams in the countries where we operate have been given enhanced training on making sure they follow our strict financial policies and procedures and are regularly inspected by our UK Head Office. We have assessed any potential risks and have strict control measures in place. We advise all our partner organisations where we work to submit annual accounts to the relevant governing bodies. We gather receipts, photographic and video evidence and a dedicated member of the teams are trained in accounting. We have an accountancy programme in each of the countries, that we can monitor live 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from the UK.

Our partner organisations must abide by their own government and have accounts produced each year. We have worked with our partner organisations for over a decade in each country and as we have strict control measures in place, we are confident that your donations are used correctly. No money is spent without direct authorisation from the UK Headquarters. We have steps in place to monitor all expenditure and we have a zero-tolerance approach if we ever find anything of concern.