As you will know, prayer is the backbone of our work, and we rely so heavily upon it for all that we do. It is the very essence of the work of Smile International because it’s God’s work. We are very grateful to all our supporters who pray for the work of Smile, and we thank them all for their extremely important prayerful support for which we hold on to so dearly. It is a valuable part of our ministry, and it has a powerful impact on all we do. Although prayer is largely an unseen area of our work, it is one which we value enormously. It is such an encouragement knowing that people are standing with us in prayer, and we are forever grateful for this support.

We love sharing our prayer needs with our prayer partners each month as we know just how amazing the power of prayer is and how much it can achieve. There are many demands on our time; difficult situations often arise in the countries where we work and important decisions have to be made on a daily basis. When we share the prayer needs from the countries we work in, our FEED programmes, the projects we run and the different ways of fundraising, we feel a great sense of release.

This is an area that we want to see grow; we are praying for it to grow, and we ask you to pray for this too or consider supporting the work of Smile in this beneficial way. This is a very real need and a very important one too. There are so many people that need us to pray for them on their behalf and we are passionate about seeing this area of the work develop.

To be able to intercede on behalf of those who are struggling in this world, is what we as Christians are urged to do and as there is so much brokenness all around us, there is so much need for prayer.

Please consider being a prayer partner and receiving our monthly prayer focus by completing the form below.