As you may know from our latest magazine our palliative care work in Kosovo has now come to a timely end. After years and years of training up doctors, nurses and medical professionals in palliative care we are so pleased that the Kosovan government have seen the importance of end-of-life care and cancer treatment in particular, that they are now providing it free of charge. For us this was a real ‘mission accomplished’ moment and such a breakthrough to be seen in this country after many years of dedication and hard work. Such a wonderful answer to prayer for which we thank you for all your prayers and support for this area of our work over the years.

We still have our Smile Centre in Kosovo which was originally built to be used to bless the local Christians, not only in Kosovo but in all the Balkans. There is still a need for this and it has often been used for church conferences, worship evenings, Bible teaching and training events and for respite for local Christians and ministers. It is still being used for teams as it is a great place for people to take time away from their busy schedules, to draw nearer to God and recharge. We recently had a team stay there while they prayed for the nation of Kosovo and blessed the local communities with the Gospel.